Partners and Sponsors
Over the years many companies have provided incredible support to SIDS and Kids WA through various partnership and sponsorship arrangements.
We would like to thank both current and past who have provided some form of support to the organisation both short term and long term.
Partners and Sponsors

Event Sponsors
Sunshine Beach Run

This year sees HIF return as our Platinum Sponsor, and we couldn't be happier! With the HIF Warm Up Zone and the brand new HIF 1km Fun Zone for kids, they've gone all out..
Plus, we think their brand new logo rocks!

This year, sees another great sponsor return - Air New Zealand and just like last year, we have a fantastic prize which has been kindly donated.
All you need to do is raise over $100 after registering for the event to be in the running! How does that sound?

Community Newspaper Group
Thanks to Silver Sponsor Community Newspapers, we have been able to promote the Sunshine Beach Run for SIDS and Kids WA across Perth and beyond this year.