SIDS and Kids WA logo

Need to talk?

Child loss support line. 24 hour free telephone support in Western Australia.

Saving babies' lives, healing families, finding answers

Partners and Sponsors

Over the years many companies have provided incredible support to SIDS and Kids WA through various partnership and sponsorship arrangements.

We would like to thank both current and past who have provided some form of support to the organisation both short term and long term.

 Partners and Sponsors

Lotterywest logo


Established in 1933 as the Lotteries Commission, Lotterywest is the official state lottery for Western Australia. Unlike any other Australian lottery, they not only sell lottery games, they also distribute the profits from our games directly to the Western Australian community. Lotterywest has supported SIDS and Kids Western Australia in many key initiatives to improve access to and awareness of SIDS and Kids WA’s services throughout the state.

Office for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Health logo

Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH)

The Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (OATSIH) works in partnership to improve access to primary care services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. OATSIH has been a long term government partner of our culturally appropriate services.

Office Information Australia logo

Office Information Australia

Our thanks to Office Information Australia, who have very generously donated their technical expertise to provide SIDS and Kids WA with ongoing general workstation and network support, including assistance with the upgrade of our computer infrastructure. This service is a major contribution to our organisation, saving thousands of dollars.

Snack in the Box logo

Snack In The Box

Snack In The Box confectionary is a small business with a big heart. The financial contribution they have made each year for over 10 years is truly remarkable.

Red Dot logo

Event Sponsors

Sunshine Beach Run

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This year sees HIF return as our Platinum Sponsor, and we couldn't be happier! With the HIF Warm Up Zone and the brand new HIF 1km Fun Zone for kids, they've gone all out..

Plus, we think their brand new logo rocks!

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This year, sees another great sponsor return - Air New Zealand and just like last year, we have a fantastic prize which has been kindly donated.

All you need to do is raise over $100 after registering for the event to be in the running! How does that sound?

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Community Newspaper Group
Thanks to Silver Sponsor Community Newspapers, we have been able to promote the Sunshine Beach Run for SIDS and Kids WA across Perth and beyond this year.