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SIDS and Other Sleep Related Infant Deaths - Policy Statement

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is expanding it's recommendations from focusing only on SIDS to focusing on a safe sleep environment that can reduce the risk of all sleep related infant deaths, including SIDS.


Association between maternal sleep practices and risk of late stillbirth: a case-control study

The death of a baby before birth is a tragedy for the family and wider community. Stillbirth remains an important public health issue, with little change in its rate over the past two decades. Many studies have examined risk factors for stillbirth, but they have often been population based retrospective studies that have been unable to explore a broad range of potential risk factors, in particular those relating to maternal lifestyle and personal habits.


Position Paper Oct 2010

This article summarises a scientific consensus forum that reviewed the evidence underpinning the Australian SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping Health Promotion Programme.


Shared sleeping associated with unexpected infant death

Parents and carers should be better educated about the suffocation risk posed by sleeping in a bed or on a sofa with an infant, according to Professor Roger Byard, a forensic pathologist from the University of Adelaide, in an editorial in the January issue of the Medical Journal of Australia.


Stillbirth Summit 2011

Between the 6th the 8th of October, a varied collection of researchers, stillbirth advocates and parents gathered together in sunny Minneapolis to discuss novel ideas relating to stillbirth risk and management. The main objectives of the forum were to discuss emerging ideas in the field of stillbirth research and to identify resources and opportunities for supporting stillbirth families.


Research 2010

The list has been prepared to assist families in accessing current research relevant to their experiences and they can be useful for SIDS and Kids staff and Professionals as well. The categories used in the listing include: Perinatal Death- stillbirth, Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI), Sudden Unexpected Death in Childhood and Adolescence, Grief and Bereavement.


Babies with Flattened Heads (Positional Plagiocephaly)

The options for preventing Positional Plagiocephaly disorder.


The Mechanism of SIDS

Ongoing research into the mechanism of SIDS.