The SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping program teaches parents how to create a safe sleeping environment for babies and young children.
- Put baby on the back to sleep from birth
- Sleep baby with head and face uncovered
- Avoid exposing babies to cigarette smoke before birth and after
- Sleep baby in a safe cot and in a safe environment
- Sleep baby in its own cot or bassinette in the same room as the parents for the first 6-12 months.
1. Put baby on the back to sleep, from birth
The chance of babies dying suddenly and unexpectedly is greater if they sleep on their tummies or sides.
Healthy babies placed to sleep on the back are less likely to choke on vomit than tummy sleeping babies. In fact, sleeping baby on the back actually provides airway protection.
Some babies, with rare medical conditions, might have to sleep on the tummy or side but only do this if the baby's medical practitioner advises to do so in writing.
2. Sleep baby with face uncovered
Ensure that baby's face and head stays uncovered during sleep. The best way to achieve this is to use a baby sleeping bag (see Q15). However, if you decide to use blankets ensure that the baby's feet are at the bottom of the cot, so that baby can't slip down under the blankets. Use lightweight blankets that can be tucked in securely.
Soft items in a baby's sleeping environment can increase the risk of sudden unexpected infant death. It is best to remove quilts, doonas, duvets,pillows, cot bumpers, lambs wool and fluffy toys.
3. Avoid exposing baby to tobacco smoke before birth and after.
Babies who are exposed to tobacco toxins during pregnancy or after birth have a significantly higher risk of SIDS and the risk increases if a baby sleeps with a parent who is a smoker. These risks still remain even if parents smoke outside, away from their baby.
To reduce the risk of SIDS don't let anyone smoke near your baby - not in the house, the car or anywhere else that your baby spends time.
If you want to quit smoking and you're not finding it easy, ask for help. Call the Quit line on or ask your doctor, midwife or child health nurse for information and advice.
4. Sleep baby in a safe cot, with a safe mattress and in a safe environment.
Cots, mattresses and environments that are unsafe increase the risk of sudden unexpected infant death. For information about safe cots, mattresses and environments see questions 6 - 10.
5. Sleeping baby in a cot next to the parent's bed for the first six to twelve months.
Research in New Zealand and the UK has shown that sleeping baby in the same room, but not in the same bed, with the parents in the first six to twelve months of life is protective. This is thought to be because parents can see the baby and easily check to see that baby is safe. This protective effect does not work if the baby is in the room with other children probably because the children do not know if the baby is safe or not. Recent evidence from the UK indicates that sharing the same room during baby's daytime sleeps is also protective.